Hi, I’m Amy & I’m so glad you’re here!

Hi, I’m Amy & I’m so glad you’re here!

I (generously) liken myself to that Hindu Goddess, you know, the one with four arms, because I often feel like I’ve got my hands in many different pots. I’m a multi-hyphenate creator and adore each aspect of my work far too much to give any piece up for the sake of singular focus. But there is a golden thread that weaves all of my curiosities and talents together: Creativity.

From writing to design, from podcasting to mentorship, my work is in service to the creative spirit. I have been blessed with an endless fascination for the infinite ways life moves through each of us, which keeps me moving towards a sense of purpose and makes my work an absolute delight.

At 20, I moved to an untamed corner of Hawaii to explore my emerging spiritual nature, and my desire to live close to the Earth, with a sense of reverence and honor. I used this special, quiet time to tune into what was alive within me—to listen to my inner guidance, curiosities, grievances, and gifts. In the depths of the jungle, I found clarity around how I really wanted to spend my days and show up for the world around me. This year of my life is poetically and honestly documented in my debut book, Like the Sun at Midday.

My journey brought me back to the University of Texas where I studied religion, with the intention to explore the different ways in which human beings find meaning, purpose, and wonder in their lives. My studies have been a window into understanding how humans give structure to their personal identities, their communities, and their understandings of the cosmos.

Through independent study and immersive experiences, I have become a self-taught brand strategist, and website designer. It’s been a blast to follow my long-time interests in both entrepreneurship, and the art of communicating meaning in a way that’s both beautiful and effective.

Art has been my other great teacher. The practice of creation is deeply healing, and empowering. Through visual art, poetry, design, dance, and many other mediums of self-expression, I have found myself transformed and nourished by the creative process. I am particularly interested in utilizing art, and creative experiences to bring community together.

The classroom continues as I piece my diverse learnings together into experiences and medicines that I offer my community. As a writer, I explore new depths in the spaces of creativity, spirituality, and well-being. Most of my thoughts live on paper, in my book, or in audio waves on my podcast. As a creativity mentor, I guide inspired humans through the creative process. And in my design work I get to nurture and uplift creatives and healers in a beautiful way that allows their gifts to be seen and known. I am always tinkering with new mediums and concepts and can’t wait to see what calls to me next.