💫 I Found My North Star
Dear friend,
I was sitting on my friend Emma's velvet green couch one evening in late September. A smattering of tarot cards were sprawled out between us as tulsi flowers and rose petals swirled through our veins.
I was sharing with her my uncertainty about what would come next for me. After publishing my book in June, I'd been taking much-needed space from my artistic work to let my body and creative spirit rest.
In that space, the clarity arose that, whatever I'd be doing, writing would be at the center of it. Since publishing my book, my writing practice hadn't had much of a home; no north star to guide my efforts. I still practiced (in the form of journal rants, mediocre poems, and meandering short stories) to keep my creative muscles toned, but longed for something more solid to hold me and grow with me; something I could build towards.
My north star fell from the heavens that night and landed right in Emma's beautiful brain. I swear, y'all--the gods of creativity used Emma as a channel to deliver a brand new idea to me. As our conversation unfolded, Emma began to speak a creative project into being that was a perfect fit for me.
This project immediately felt like home and an adventure all at once. With zero effort on my part (besides the task of being present and willing to receive), this fresh idea landed in my lap, and I said yes.
What is it?
The idea here, is to use expression (leaning heavily on written word) to explore the deep meaning that lives beneath the surface of just about everything. I will be looking at the essence of the things we experience and encounter in the phenomenal world (focusing on a specific theme each month).
Finding meaning and honoring the beauty in the little aspects of our full lives is
a bridge from the mundane to the sacred; a small way to remember the magic, miracles, and mysteries this life contains.
Essence of will be digitally-delivered to your email inbox once per month (expect the first Essence of December 5th!). In the time between publications, I'll be nourishing this community with a few other brief pieces of value. Thank you for being on this journey with me--and a collective thank you to our dear Emma, for mid-wifing this new creation!
Essence of is a free, monthly editorial deep dive into meaning.
This digital curation of words, imagery, and sound is an invitation to pull the curtain back on the magic, miracles, and mysteries embedded in everyday life.