24. Sex, Yoga & Art: How Orgasmic Living and Creative Living are One in the Same, With Natalie Raphael

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What a treat! My best friend is here on the show for some girl talk that goes deep.

Natalie Raphael is a spiritual guide, movement instructor, and feminine embodiment coach. She utilizes the wisdom of the body and the heart to guide modern women to a place of ease.

Connect with Natalie on her website: modernwoman.yoga or on Instagram @nataliesraphael

In this episode, we talk about the power both the wisdom of yoga and working with sexual energy can contribute to your creative journey. We also touch on the process of alchemizing heartbreak into new opportunities.

For more creative musings, come hang out with me on instagram @amyinfullcolor

Book a free guided visualization with me here.

Discover more about me and my work: amyinfullcolor.com


25. 5 Ways to Feel More Creative Now


23. Moving in Silence + A Guided Meditation to Nurture the Creative Spirit