Ivey Jane Holt


From sculpture to painting, from pottery to photography, the playful, feminine brilliance of Ivey Jane Holt's work has dazzled me for some time now. 

I needed to dive in deeper, and I'm taking you along—enjoy!

Amy Lohr: Many of your pieces seem to be in motion. What does movement symbolize in your work, and how do you achieve that sense of fluidity?

Ivey Jane Holt: Where there is movement, there is most likely life—and life is cool. I achieve that sense of movement in my work by tapping into feeling rather than thinking. Instead of precise calculation and geometry, the pieces come to life as a sort of dance between me and the medium.

AL: You’ve noted the female form as a primary point of inspiration in your work. Do you find yourself reflecting on your own experiences as a woman, or are your interpretations more universal?

IJH: Well, really they blend together. I have my own perspective as a living, breathing, moving, feeling woman, but my own personal experience is interwoven inextricably with the experience of women as a whole. To answer your question, yes.

AL: How has living in New York City influenced your artistic journey?

IJH: Oh man! Before I finally had the chance to move to New York, my biggest dream was to find a city that truly felt like home. New York was this glamorous, larger-than-life place that I thought I might not ever reach. But ever since I made it here, I have felt centered and settled, and my dreams evolved from location to vocation. This city is alive and filled with bleeding hearts. Every day is rich with learning and experience, and here, art is a language spoken by many.

AL: What’s on the horizon for you? Are there any upcoming projects or mediums you’re excited to share or explore?

IJH: I am just playing around these days—no big agenda, just play. I’m focused mostly on the world of oil painting. The possibilities within the medium feel absolutely endless to me, which keeps me super engaged. I’m just gonna keep painting little pictures in my lil’ kitchen studio until I feel the pull to exhibit that practice, I suppose. 

Ivey is an emerging artist and designer based out of Brooklyn. With no formal training in art or design, she has developed her unique style and techniques through self-led experimentation and play. Much of her work exhibits the use of common materials in an unconventional application. Ivey draws inspiration from the magic of the female form and of nature. As such, her work is curvaceous and sensual, often appearing as if it is frozen mid-dance.


Leah Bury